Father John introduces Bishop Brennan's Letter to the Faithful, May 15, 2020 in which Bishop Brennan reviews the extraordinary situation of the last several weeks from COVID-19 and shares some thoughts for the return of public Masses at the end of May.
We encourage those gifted with musical skills, and those who just love to sing, to call Lisa Leonard for information on how to join choir. The choir sings Sunday at the 11 AM Mass under the direction of Lisa Leonard, Director and Organist. For information contact Lisa at 614-738-9830 or via email at lisaleonard22@aol.com.
The Greater Groveport Food Pantry, in conjunction with local churches, and St. Vincent de Paul of St. Mary work to support the needy in our community. St. Mary Church has a regular collection basket for food items specified by the Pantry.
Online Giving is a convenient and secure method to schedule regular offerings to St. Mary. Payments may be scheduled on a weekly basis or one time, and everything in between . Learn more...