"The April Ground Hog Saw His Shadow" On Monday of this week the Ohio Bishops met to consider the “opening -up” question that seems to almost dominate the current public discussion of “Life with Coronavirus.” The eagerness to resume religious worship is in tension with the need to be cautious to protect personal and public health. Bishop Brennan’s letter directs that resumption of public Masses and liturgies is not yet possible. The suspension continues, looking at a target date of May 30/31 - Pentecost Sunday to resume our celebrations. The Bishop also continues to grant dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. A copy of our Bishop’s letter is attached:
Confessions His letter also announces a program, commencing Friday May 1, to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation available to the faithful (with suitable health precautions, of course.) Across our Diocese, including our own East Columbus Deanery, parishes will offer the Sacrament at set times on specific days. An advance appointment is required and careful health safety precautions will be followed. The Saint Mary days and times are Mondays from 10-12 and 5-7. For full information please go to the parish website: groveportstmary.org/bulletins and see Page 5 of the Bulletin for Sunday, May 3 (it’s already posted.)
Life Goes On You may note that this Bulletin also says we’re working on a revised plan for First Communion, Mary Crowning and the finale for the PSR year … all previously planned for May. We want to be sure to celebrate the First Communion of the candidates that had prepared for this Sunday’s 11am Mass.
Another “Announcement” in the Sunday (5/3) Bulletin is the revival of our Prayer Line. Pam Scott & Patti Lebens are taking the lead and next Sunday’s Bulletin will have details on how both to place a prayer request and to be a prayer partner. In the last “Blanket Letter” I wondered “Are these Blanket Letters helpful?” I wasn’t fishing for gratitude or recognition but I do thank folks for affirming responses. What I mainly wanted was to see how the letter can be more helpful. One of you mentioned the desire to resume the prayer line … providentially that was “in the works.”
One of the first prayers on the new 'Line’ was for Easter Valentine (Bishop Hartley HS sophomore) who had wondered off. She’s been found and is well. Praise be to God.
Prayers We Should Raise
For our disoriented (and perhaps disheartened) youth who miss life at school (believe it or not!) and must follow the strange absentee learning.
For the members of the Class of 2020 who are deprived of “milestone events."
For our medical workers who serve on the “front line” and for medical workers who put in exhausting extra shifts so that others may be on the "front line.”
For our Bishop who in his first year meets diocesan leadership challenges beyond imagination.
For Father Hilary Ike, that the Lord may prepare him for his new responsibilities as Administrator of Saint Mary Parish beginning in July.
For my uncle Monsignor Frank McGann who passed from this life on April 24.
May God Bless and Keep you. In Christ with Mary. Father John