Tomorrow is Palm Sunday: the conclusion of Lent, beginning of Holy Week and movement toward Easter Resurrection. On Palm Sunday afternoon after offering a private Mass at the Saint Mary Altar, I’ll send out another Blanket Letter including the “homilette” printed in the Sunday Bulletin (see our website: I’ll also tell you of the 3-day Mission to be broadcast from the Cathedral on St. Gabriel Radio, Monday through Wednesday.
Today, in THIS letter I want to urge us to have special Holy Week devotions. Over the latter days of Lent we have been CLOISTERED … an unexpected invitation perhaps to draw away from distractions for a closer and more personal companionship with our Lord in his Passion … in his Love. (Parents with kids hat home, I realize that "drawing away from distractions” is easier said than done!) Under the cloistered circumstances of the “stay at home” directives, I recommend that watching and praying the
Stations of the Cross can be a wonderful way to move your heart and mind into the Passion of our Lord … not only on Good Friday, but
throughout Holy Week. To this end I’ve searched out many and previewed a few YouTube presentations of the ‘Stations’. Using my Internet search engine, I went to “YouTube” and then on the YouTube search box, inserted “Stations of the Cross.” A wealth of possibilities came up! Let me suggest a few, with comments. (Note: I already listed some in my Blanket Letter #5 of March 29 and Andrea also found many useful items that are in the Palm Sunday Bulletin.)
“Stations of the Cross” on YouTube:
Stations of the Cross HD-TV Version. Beautiful pictures as stations are prayed along the Way of Sorrows in Jerusalem. (42 min)
Stations of the Cross 2020 by JoAnn D’Anton (Title page features Rio de Janeiro Christ Statue) Meditations on the Stations set in the context of the Coronavirus Pandemic. (21min)
The Stations of the Cross with Bishop Barron. Meditations as if at a retreat. Typical Bishop Barron quality and relevance. (54 min)
Stations of the Cross by Saint Francis of Assisi. Traditional format with powerful meditations ((35 min)
21st Century Stations of the Cross by the Catholic Spirit. Narrative questions for personal examine. (6 min)
Stations of the Cross for Kids (from Catholic Kids Media). Expands “Stations" to begin at Garden of Gethsemani conclude at Resurrection. Excellent for younger children. (12min)
Children’s Stations of the Cross. Narrative of the meaning of each station. (10 min)
Whichever devotion you chose, make time every day in Holy Week for you and your family to consider and pray the greatness of our Lord’s Passion. I'll “talk” with you again tomorrow and share my plans of private Masses at St. Mary and the services broadcast from the Cathedral.
Your loving pastor in Christ with Mary, Father John