On this Palm Sunday, we realize that the promised Messiah. They were hardily keeping social distance! Yet, here are we “sheltered in place” secluded and isolated from one another. Let this be an opportunity to reaffirm our faith that Christ indeed is the long awaited king of our hearts. The time will come when we again exclaim in chorus with one another: “
Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest.” And sing together,
All Glory Laud and Honor!
All glory, laud, and honor / To thee, Redeemer, King, To whom the lips of children / Made sweet hosannas ring.
Today, I privately celebrated the Mass of the Palm Sunday and the Passion of our Lord. The Collect for Palm Sunday is:
Almighty ever-living God, who as an example of humility for the human race to follow, caused our savior to take flesh and submit to the Cross, graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of patient suffering and so merit a share in his Resurrection. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. — Amen.
I read the passion narrative from St. Matthew’s Gospel. I’ll share with you the short homily and the COVID-19 Prayer of Solidarity that some of you may have seen in today's Sunday Bulletin (
www.groveportstmary.org). I then offered Mass for the people of the Parish and repose of Joseph Viola. See the link below:
May God richly bless you today and through the days of Holy Week to Easter. Please take advantage of the many resources for a holy time shown below.
Holy Week Resources: The link
https://www.columbuscatholic.org/holy-week will bring you right to the Holy Week schedule at our Cathedral and contains links to live-streaming of Liturgies at the Cathedral and to the Holy Week Retreat with Father Michael Kelly, Director of Spiritual Formation at the Josephinium. The Retreat is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: Live streaming at 1pm, re-broadcast on St. Gabriel radio (820Am) 4 and 7pm.
You can link also to the Vatican to pray with Pope Francis
The Friars at St. Patrick will celebrate the Triduum as a religious community and will live-stream at
https://www.stpatrickcolumbus.org/ On the Vatican website, as well as on our Diocesan Holy Week Website, you will find a video message from Pope Francis at the beginning of Holy Week:
Staying home and need assistance? A kind St. Mary parishioner whose official duties require him to be out in his vehicle offers to assist others who may not or cannot get out. Errands? Pick up meds? Whatever... If this offer can assist you, please contact Father John (740-503-2827 or
mailto:frjohn@groveportstmary.org). I will be the “arranger” of these services.
Please be Safe. If there are any pastoral needs, please contact me. 740-503-2827