Collect for Sunday: Grant, almighty God, that we may celebrate with heartfelt devotion these days of joy, which we keep in honor of the risen Lord, and that what we relieve in remembrance we may always hold to in what we do. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lectionary: Acts 8:5-8 14-17
Psalm 66 1 Peter 3:15-18
John 14:15-21
In the 14th chapter of the Gospel given by Apostle John, Jesus assures his disciples - and us - that while he may appear to go away, he in fact remains with us with ever more powerful Presence. The Advocate … Holy Spirit … the Spirit of Truth is with us always.
“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” The Book of Revelation given to Saint John concludes with the same promise:
“Yes, I am coming soon.” To which we reply,
"Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!”
As the resumption of public liturgy in our church approaches, we may be tempted to take the spirit of President Gerald Ford’s address in August 1974:
“Our long national nightmare is over.” While the lack of Sacraments and fellowship makes this feeling understandable, it misses the spiritual values available to us from this unusual experience of deprivation. We have missed the Sacraments, but perhaps we’ll now treasure them more. We’ve missed fellowship with one another, but perhaps the friendships are now more precious. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
We should return with increased thanksgiving for our Lord’s faithful presence with his people. Our Gospel confirms this promise to us:
"Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.” How has the Lord revealed himself to
you is these past several weeks? Give him praise and thanks!! Alleluia!
Resumption of Public Liturgies at Saint Mary:
Church is open for personal prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday May 20, 11 to 12 Noon.
Memorial Day Mass at Noon, Monday, May 25
Pentecost Masses May 30 & 31. 5pm and 8:30 & 11am.
Pandemic Health Precautions Must be Followed for Liturgies and Visits to Church Attached to this Blanket Letter email is a detailed list of instructions in the sequence of the Mass liturgy.
The Primary precautionary procedure is: You should
not come to church if you are not well, or if you are 'high risk' for COVID, or you are uneasy about public gatherings. Stay Home. The Bishop encourages caution and has dispensed the faithful from the Mass obligation through September 13.
Other Key Points in these procedures are:
Pew seating will have 6-foot separation. Every other pew will be left vacant. Families that reside together may sit together.
Sanitizer will be used upon entering and leaving church.
Face masks must be worn at all times (except at the moment of Communion.) Ministers while in the Sanctuary do not wear masks
No social greetings before or after Mass.
No passing of the peace. No hand holding.
No congregational singing. Organist and cantor will provide limited music.
No precession or recession through the aisle.
One server will assist with set up and removal of vessels. No servers during the Mass
Only one lector to read both lessons from the Ambo. Cantor sings the Psalm from the organ area.
Priest reads and preaches from the Altar.
No offertory plate passing. Offerings should be deposited in baskets at rear of church before or after Mass.
No procession with gifts: offertory, bread & wine.
Communion in One Kind. Only one Eucharistic minister assists Priest at Communion.
Communion line is managed by ushers to maintain 6-foor spacing.
Ushers manage the departure of persons to prevent clustering at the doors.
Restricted entry to the Sacristy.
Careful cleansing of parish furnishings with disinfectant before Saturday Mass and We begin on Pentecost Saturday / Sunday with our regular Mass times. Attendance is expected to be under normal levels. Depending on numbers and procedures in the early weeks, it may be wise to consolidate our Mass schedules … we’ll see how things work out…
Continue prayers for your brothers and sisters, especially those struggling hard during these difficult COVID times.
Your loving pastor in Christ with Mary, Father John