Today, we celebrate the evangelical witness of the Apostle Mark, a companion of the early ministers of the Church and one whom Peter referred to as “my son” and who was probably with him in Rome. (1 Peter 5:13). The opening phrase of St. Mark’s Gospel is startling! He opens "Euangelium of Jesus Christ the Son of God." We translate “euangelium” as “good news” or “gospel”. This cry ‘euangelium' was made to announce the Roman army's return from a great victory. The crowds would cheer, “Euangelium … Good News … our great army has again prevailed. Hail Caesar, son of god!!”
But here is Mark writing in the 'belly of the beast courageously proclaiming that Jesus, not Caesar, is THE Son of God, and his story is the real euangelium … the true Good News!
In many way we live in another ‘belly of the beast’ where the Christian life may be seen as ‘OK' but not especially relevant to the real world, or may be openly ridiculed. Let us with the mind and heart of Saint Mark courageously proclaim by word & deed, that Jesus Christ and his salvation is the True Good News for our time.
O God, who raised up Saint Mark, your Evangelist, and endowed him with the grace to preach the Gospel,grant, we pray, that we may so profit from his teaching as to follow faithfully in the footsteps of Christ.Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Across the Diocese arrangements are underway to enable the faithful to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, even as we continue to be sheltered in place and public worship is restricted. The overall plan is accomplished by Deaneries … we are in the East Columbus Deanery (#6). Confession locations are at different parishes at various specified times, Mondays through Saturdays. There are strict rules so that we maintain the necessary pandemic precautions. The available times at St. Mary Parish are Mondays between 10 and 12 and between 5 and 7pm. Other area parishes are on different days but similar times. I will publish the full deanery information soon.New Parish Priest for Saint Mary Parish
Our objectives are to protect your health and to maintain the sanctity and Seal of the Sacrament.
- If you are “high risk” (e.g. elderly with an underlying health issue) you should wait for a safer opportunity when the pandemic subsides.
- If you are ill with anything or show signs of COVID-19 (dry cough. body aches etc) or have a fever over 100, do not come to Confession at this time.
- You MUST make an appointment in advance. Do not simply show up as you would in normal times. Make your appointment directly with me. When making your appointment do NOT give me your name. We will establish the appointment time but not your identity. To make an appointment contact me my text or phone (740-503-2827) or email I realize these methods usually disclose identity, but we’ll do our best to maintain confidentiality … and certainly during and after your Confession.
- Before your Confession appointment examine your conscience and prepare for your Confession AT HOME. The Confession time should be about 5 minutes or less. This is not a time for counseling or to inquire about Church moral teaching. If you want such counseling or instruction make a separate appointment with me for pastoral conversation.
- Take your temperature immediately before coming for your appointment. DO NOT come if you have a fever over 100.
- Bring and wear a face mask during the appointment. I'll also will wear a mask, so we’ll need to speak up.
- Confessions at St. Mary will be heard in the PSR office on the first floor. Wait in your car in the parking lot; then, at your appointment time come to the main door. It probably will be locked; ring the door bell.
- These Confessions will be anonymous, that is, NOT face-to-face. There will be no touching and adequate separation will be maintained.
- After the Confession do NOT go into the Church. Leave immediately. Fulfill your penance at home.
- If there’s no advance appointment in a time period, I will not be waiting in the PSR office. Again, you must make an advance appointment.
- A summary reminder of these rules will be posted at the front door.
Soon, I will publish the Confession schedules and locations across our Deanery. For now, there are opportunities for you at Saint Mary, Groveport.
The Sunday’s Bulletin has the following announcement:
May Monsignor Frank McGann Rest in Peace with Eternal GloryBishop Brennan has appointed Father Hilary Ike to become Administrator of St. Mary Parish, Groveport. Father John retires this summer. For the past several years Fr. Hilary has been in residence at Saint Joseph Cathedral while serving full time with the Diocesan Tribunal as “Defender of the Bond”. As your parish administrator he intends to reside at the St. Mary rectory. He will continue to have responsibilities with the Tribunal. Fr. Hilary is a warm and wonderful and holy priest. You will be happy to have him serve you at St. Mary. This assignment likely will begin at the normal time (July 14). However, there is a potential that the schedule may change given some of the unknowns all of us in Ohio have as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Please congratulate and pray for Fr. Hilary in his new assignment here at St. Mary Parish, Groveport! (Incidentally, Fr. Hilary’s last name is pronounced “ee-kay” ... not “ike” as in “I like Ike” from the Eisenhower days.)
In my last letter I bid your prayers for the passing and holy death for our “Uncle Frankie”, a Boston priest for 71 years, an excellent mentoring priest and a beloved uncle. He passed to the next life Friday afternoon, April 24. Thank you for your kind wishes. Pray for him as he also intercedes for us.
Are these “Blanket Letters" helpful? I hear occasionally from some of you. I hope to maintain some sort of cohesion during these crazy times. When the suspensions of public worship and gathering are lifted, we’ll still need to follow sort sort of health safety precautions. We await further guidance from our Bishop. The Ohio Bishops meet on Monday, April 27.May God Bless and Keep You,
Are you aware that we still publish a weekly Bulletin? It has a lot of information you should know. Go to: Thank you, Donna & Andrea for maintaining this vital connection in these "crazy times." The bulletin also gives you links to other great online resources. One of my favorites is to daily Masses from Bishop Barron’s Chapel: There is also a "treasure chest” of helpful items, especially in these "crazy times” on the US Catholic Bishops website:
Please keep your stewardship parish offerings coming … by mail or by online giving. The recent flow is encouraging, but your parish needs more. Thank you.