First: PLEASE … please, check the Parish Website and see the Sunday Bulletins. The current Bulletin for May 10 is MOTHER’S DAY Sunday. In my efforts to stay in touch with YOU, the people of Saint Mary, a large part of that effort is spent on the weekly Bulletin. In the closing days on my time with you I’m limited to written communication ... a large part of that (at least in my view) is the Bulletins They’re easy to find/ Go to:
Second: I want to share with you the information I have about Father Dick Metzger’s improving condition. He’s at home and generally able to care for himself again. He really appreciates the prayers and words of comfort you have provided. He likes receiving cards and letters expressing your good wishes. His address is Father Richard Metzger / 6643 Retton Road / Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
God Bless you and Happy Mothers Day to Moms and Grand-moms and all who "do mothering"!! You’ll need to read my article in the Bulletin to understand why I say it this way. Read the weekly Bulletins … they’re all posted on the website. Blessed Mary, Mother of the Church, Pray for us.